Student Solution


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Module 3 Case Study

Module 3 Case Study

Q Mr. C.Y., age 71, has had significant emphysema for 6 years. He has reduced his cigarette smoking since mild congestive heart was diagnosed (right-sided heart failure-refer to Chapter 12). He has been admitted to the hospital with a suspected closed pneumothorax and respiratory failure. 1. Describe the pathophysiological changes in the lungs with emphysema, and explain how these affect oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. 2.Explain the possible role of smoking in Mr. C.Y.'s case and its general effects on respiratory function (consider effects on cardiovascular function also). 3. What significant characteristics related to emphysema and heart failure would you expect to observe in Mr. C.Y.? 4. Explain how a pneumothorax has probably occurred in the presence of emphysema.

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1. Emphysema is a lung condition or disorder that causes shortness of breathe. In this condition, the alveoli or the air sacs of the lungs gets fully damaged . The inner walls of the air sacs weakens and gets ruptured creating large air spaces inside the small ones. This reduces the surface area of the lungs . The increase in surface area causes decrease in the amount of oxygen that reaches the alveoli for gaseous exchange. In this condition , the alveolar walls gets damaged and the air sacs will loose their normal elasticity. This leads to difficulty in breathing .